...it's crunch time!

Above is the fabulous coffee I experienced at a newly discovered local cafe: crunch
I was so hyper after the coffee that it no longer seemed a daunting task to frog the shell and wave shawl that I'd been knitting up for my mother. I usually baulk at having to unravel my work, but it's done now, and I'm keen to start afresh! It was quite inspiring to have 'sneak-peak' of the shawl in the yarn I've chosen: Artyarns 'silk rhapsody' in the gold/purple colour blend (101) - what a luxury yarn! I nabbed in on sale at my favourite online store: the woolshack whilst stocking up on double pointed needles.
I must take a break from this rampant consumerism!....time for a few 'buy nothing days'.....hmmm, it's actually been a while since either my partner in crime or I have been able to log one of those - we try to rack up as many bnd's as we can during the week; call it: 'physical' challenge if you will, in any case, it's kinda fun! ;)
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