
Friday, November 03, 2006

sizzle, fizzle and lots of dribble....

It's been quite a while between posts - I've been stupidly busy at work and trying to get school work done ('trying' being the operative word!) as well as doing counselling shifts, being the supportive partner and househunting. It's all made quite a dint in my knitting time, and as such, I've really not much more to report on that front.
The sizzle has successfully been stripped back to before the increases - finally! - but I've yet to make a second attempt on them....maybe this weekend.
Now, onto the dribble:
The dramas at work have been ridiculous and centre around the Managing Director's acting personal assistant. Now I have done some serious time temping (in fact, the job I have currently is my very first permanent role in 15 years of working - how's that for avoiding commitment!?), but this woman has made me utter those exasperated words that I always swore I would never say: "that bloody temp!"
She is a right piece of work.
Counselling has been going pretty well, but I feel as though I've been spending some serious hours counselling within more personal spheres. I've still got so much work to get through for school - I've been stressing to the point where I'm having anxious dreams! I'm never really able to hide from my subconscious - the sneaky bugger always gets to me in my dreams ;)
The best one recently was dreaming about being in my old family home and then waking up abruptly and stating out loud: "I'm reverting to old behaviours and bad habits!". Talk about analysing on the spot!
My partner has been getting a lot more gigs out recently (he dj's; mainly uk hardhouse) which means that I've been going out a lot more too! We've discovered that since this is becoming a semi-regular occurrence, we needed to find way of managing it - it's amazing how a 'nana-nap' and a double-shot coffee can keep you going 'til the wee hours ;)
Well, that's about it for the dribble - I do have a rule of no blogging 'til my readings are done, so I better get back to it! I'm dead keen to get as much work done as possible as my dearest friend jen is coming down to visit tomorrow - YAY!!! I can't wait! It's been far too long since we last saw each other, let alone get up to mischief - we'll be making mischief on Cup Eve ;)