oh bob...you were wonderful!
We recently returned from a short trip to sydney where we had the absolute pleasure of seeing bob brozman in concert - that man makes my heart sing and my soul soar!....a most amazing performer with a philosophy i admire and respect...i thank my lovely father for the tickets to the dinner and show - the food was fabulous and they had a great range of local beer; after a few amber ales, i indulged in eggplant stacks with goats cheese and marscapone and finished off in a decandent manner with crème brûlée with persian fairy floss and raspberries - miam!... needless to say, we left the vanguard with some serious bounce in our steps!
Knitting-wise: whilst in sydney, i took to the butter bamboo and started to 'sizzle'....will let you know how it goes...!

the days on which more yarn arrives always seem to be good days - yarn as an auspicious sign?
...today's mail brought an exciting package with bundles of bamboo yarn - yay!
i've been very excited about this latest bout of consumerism and have been searching for patterns of the top o' summer!!
well, two tops to be exact - i ordered the yarn in both black and 'butter'
so i do feel a bit spoilt for choice!...alas, the arrival of the black has been delayed, but only by a week or so....and i really do have enough on my plate not to be put out at all.
as for the butter...
let's see: I'm hunting down a sleeveless with an interesting neckline that's not too high....something that i can sex up with matching arm 'warmers' (considering that we're heading into summer, i don't want them to function as warmers as such, so the bamboo yarn should do the job)
...we'll see how i go!
c'est fini!
ok....am getting a bit over the excessive work days!
have doubled my working days over the last few weeks which has been great for the $$ but not much else...well, except for learning a lot more about what goes on whilst i'm not at work!
i work 2 days a week in a jobshare situation which is just gold!...but i have found myself to be unfamiliar with a lot that the role demands simply because i don't get a chance to do it!...oh well, no real tears over that one ;)
...in more exciting news - i finished my poncho - YAY! (oh, for a digital camera!) ...the yarn used is just gorgeous: hand dyend brushed mohair and oh so warm....miam!
this is the first non-scarf item i've ever knitted for myself...actually, thinking about it, it's only the second item i've ever knitted myself!....i started knitting when i moved down to melbourne, victoria (australia) a fair few years ago as i needed scarves and couldn't bear to part with ridiculous amounts of money for items that weren't quite 'right' or were made from cheap synthetics - urgh...so i thought that instead of whinging about it, i'd be better off just making my own up to my own specifications....then i got so excited that i promptly knitted several scarves for several loved ones but none for self!...no wonder i lost interest...
i can't wait to get back on the needles...the only problem now is to decide which project to pick up (can't help myself with concurrent works)...or maybe i'll just start a new one entirely....looking forward to payday - am keen for some bamboo!
première étape...
well, i must say that i'm getting a wee bit excited about this blogging stuff!...in addition to the food fests we've been whipping up in the kitchen and the knitting and the reading, i've been busy tweekin' my blog...
on the menu this evening...
eating: thai red curry
needling: poncho
reading: man walks into a pub